We are glad to share information about a new activity that Körber-Stiftung and EUSTORY initiated together with THE CIVICS Innovation Hub:
We address NGOs across Europe, that have successfully implemented youth projects fostering unity in polarised societies. The award is endowed with 10,000 €.
Application deadline is 30 June 2024. The prize will be awarded at the NECE Festival, which takes place 14-17 November 2024 in Tirana, Albania.

You can find all details online

With best regards, also on behalf of our colleagues from THE CIVICS Innovation Hub,

A APH - Associação de Professores de História é uma associação científico‑pedagógica de professores de História de todos os ciclos e graus de ensino.

Contactos Gerais


(+351) 217 647 201
(chamada para rede fixa nacional)


(+351) 964 952 357
(chamada para rede móvel nacional)

