Are you an education professional dedicated to staying current with the latest teaching trends and best practices in inclusive education? Join the SENSEI Network today!
The SENSEI team is building a wide and reliable network of teachers who can support the needs of their members by collaboratively working toward innovative solutions in participatory teaching and learning.

By joining the SENSEI Network, you will:

  • share your expertise and learn from others in the community
  • participate in discussions on inclusive practices in the classroom and beyond
  • get access to resources
  • stay updated on the latest teaching trends and research in inclusive education
  • participate in events and workshops to enhance your professional development
  • stay informed about the project’s development

How to join: complete the registration form, where you can find further information about the SENSEI Network:

Join our Facebook group here:


A APH - Associação de Professores de História é uma associação científico‑pedagógica de professores de História de todos os ciclos e graus de ensino.

Contactos Gerais


(+351) 217 647 201
(chamada para rede fixa nacional)


(+351) 964 952 357
(chamada para rede móvel nacional)
